Landscape Fire Behavior GeoTIFF download differences for non-burnable pixels

Due to updates to the FlamMap basic fire behavior model within IFTDSS, the values for non-burnable pixels are listed differently in the GeoTIFF downloaded, depending upon the date the download was generated. Currently, fuel moisture and crown fraction burned are "0.000000" for all non-burnable pixels regardless of whether fuel moisture conditioning was used. For values prior to 6/24/19, please refer to the table below.

Fuel moisture and crown fraction burned values as displayed in the Landscape Fire Behavior GeoTIFF download, based on the date the download was generated.
Feature 4/10/17-5/6/19 5/6/19-6/24/19 6/24/19-present 4/10/17-5/6/19 5/6/19-6/24/19 6/24/19-present
Conditioning Off Off Off On On On
1 hour 0.020000 NoData 0.000000 0.000000 NoData 0.000000
10 hour 0.020000 NoData 0.000000 0.000000 NoData 0.000000
100 hour 0.020000 NoData 0.000000 0.000000 NoData 0.000000
1000 hour 0.020000 NoData 0.000000 0.000000 NoData 0.000000
Crown Fraction Burned NoData 0.000000 0.000000 NoData 0.000000 0.000000